Monday, August 16, 2010

Bring your game boards and mix and mingle!

Game Night - Party/Mixer
5:30pm - 9:30pm
Mrs. Geez - Southern Home Cooking
2605 S. Decatur Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV

A GAME...Bring Yours

Come out and enjoy your favorite classic and childhood board games with a side of soul.

Now presented at Mrs. Geez Restaurant, AGAME is a new and exciting happy hour option where adults can socialize, eat, drink and play.

Bring Yourself, Bring a Friend and Most of All, AGAME...Bring Yours!!
**No Cover**Food Specials**Drink Specials**


  1. Today we're going to talk about three myths I hear most commonly. Not everybody believes these myths, but enough do, and others are unsure what to believe, so it warrants dispelling these myths now.

  2. Blot with a tissue and reapply lip color. For a fuller look use a lighter color in the middle of the lip. Lip Liner Tips

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  5. I am currently the strength coach and nutritional counselor for several high school and middle school Ultra Fast Keto Boost wrestling teams. If you have questions about setting up a correctly designed weight loss program for athletic performance or weight loss,

  6. Mac and Cheese: It's a recipe which is not just a favorite of our kids but also love by adults. This cheesy, creamy pasta recipe is although full of cheese but cheese is good for body if taken in moderate. And as it is said, it's okay to indulge at times to give some treats and perks. Trendy Mumi

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  8. Bionatrol Keto Never break the fast. Eating breakfast plays a very important part in losing weight. Remember, while you sleep, your metabolism slows down and revs up again to burn fat faster when you eat your breakfast. Aim for 300-400 calories breakfast such as foods rich in high fiber cereal with low fat milk and fruits.

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    It protects it fat stores as a defense mechanism to ensure your survival in case of future famine and instead use lean tissue or muscle to provide it with calories it needs to keep its vital organs such as your brain, heart,

  10. Ketogenic Valley Keto If you seek life long fat burning, health and fitness in a lean body, you should take some advice from my mom, and probably your mom too. When I think about it, probably the best base of nutritional knowledge I received was from my mom. For the most part, my mom was right

  11. Eminence Vitality Keto Here are some tips if you choose to burn fat while at the gym. There are three stages of the core/breathing relationship.

  12. Ultra Fast Pure Keto increasing your heart rate by taking walks, choosing the stairs or weight resistance routines will develop more lean muscle, this is how to burn fat fast.

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  14. onnit supplements . At that time I was tought that a good, basic multivitamin was a good recommendation, but to suggest more than that might be a waste of money for the patients and even dangerous

  15. Bionatrol Keto Burn if you eat more than your body needs, you gain weight. If you eat less (reduce calories) than your body needs,

  16. Bandox Extreme High intensity intermittent training involves small outbursts lasting for about 1-2 minutes (1 min usually) followed by medium intensity (recovery time) exercises for another 1-4 minutes, depending on your tolerance.

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  19. Iron Slim Keto The process of breaking down triglycerides into reusable energy is called lipolysis which is shuffled and reshuffled to produce heat, water, carbon dioxide, and ATP. Since the fat tissue has lost some of its components, the cells shrink.

  20. Bioinvitagen We know that men are driven when it comes to satisfying women. To help them become better in bed, most men use male enhancement pills. Considering the myriad of male supplements in the market, it will be hard for anyone to pick one to go for

  21. Swift Trim Keto Getting fit and healthy is not new to all of us. Information on how to achieve health and wellness are all over the Internet which is big plus to our needs. However, people are still having difficulties with regards to health especially their battle against weight gain

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  25. Keto Guru , and is beyond the scope of this article. Bottom line: the type of exercise, intensity of that exercise, length of time doing that exercise, etc., are essential variables here when attempting to lose FAT while retaining (LBM).

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  32. Insta keto reviews It is common knowledge that the best way to lose weight is to make sure you get a healthy dose of daily exercise paired with the perfect diet.

  33. Nature Active Keto . At least thirty minutes of fast walking five to seven days a week may be all you need to burn those extra pounds of fat from your body.

  34. centallus rx male enhancement especially during his mid teens to early twenties could find himself experiencing penile size issues later on in life: hence his need for an aid that can help with the problem. Granted, simply pumping testosterone into a grown man is not likely to cause any major male enhancement

  35. modern Christmas tree Some people decorate their homes in what is considered a country style or a modern style. The decorations will reflect the environment of the home

  36. Keto burning reviews At any given time, more than half of U.S. residents are trying to lose weight. With overall body weights increasing

  37. Instant Keto that are considered no more than quick fixes for the overweight. These diets are not only unhealthy but also will not help you keep the weight off.

  38. Velocity Trim Keto Once you have set your larger goals, you need to set smaller ones to make sure you are on schedule to achieving your long-term goal. Keep track of your goals by using a weight loss chart, a food journal, or an exercise chart. Keeping a journal is the best way to track the foods you eat,

  39. Instant Keto . Don't let any weight gain put you off, and instead look at your program and see if anything needs to change, such as increasing your activity level

  40. Keto Pro Avis . And when you reach your goals celebrate by treating yourself to something such as a night out or a new outfit to make your weight loss even sweeter.

  41. activate keto It is not easy to lose weight, and no-one takes kindly to change, but if you want to improve your health and well-being, you are going to have to put some effort into becoming healthy. The results will, however, definitely be worth it.

  42. PWX Male Enhancement They look around for artificial and natural male enhancements to take care of their dilemma.

  43. Verocity Male Enhancement . There are also creams available as well. Other products include pheromone cologne. For those not familiar with pheromone, it is actually a hormone that is emitted,

  44. KSX Male Enhancement and boost sexual stability and health. Natural male enhancement pills are made up of organic, herbal ingredients that carry the ancient effective secrets

  45. CBD Miracle Pain Patch And where did they acquire these drugs? Often the drugs were taken from their parents' medicine cabinets.

  46. Alpha Femme Keto Genix This may be difficult to understand, but it is a fact. Some individuals have deep subconscious motivations to continue to overeat, so they will remain overweight. It is often very difficult to overcome, because most compulsive emotional overeaters do not recognize this aspect in themselves.

  47. Keto Slim RX atistics show that between 30 and 60 percent of dieters not only regain all the weight they lose while dieting, they actually become even heavier than they were before they started the diet

  48. Renegade Keto There are many proven hypnosis methods and techniques that have been tested and used successfully for hundreds, and hundreds of years! Scores of individuals are trying hypnotherapy weight loss and gaining subconscious mind control, so they will lose weight easily and quickly.

  49. Slimgen Keto or the weight loss program failed to explain how the dietary changes made to lose weight can be adapted to maintain your new weight. After your 'diet' is finished, you should have a better idea of what to eat, when to eat, and how to eat it.

  50. DX Keto for energy fuel. Glycogen is essentially made up of 75% water and 25% glucose and therefore when glucose is metabolized, water is largely produced as a by-product.

  51. Anatomy Keto - and preferably start doing this before you go on a weight loss program. Record what you eat, when you eat - and why you eat. Why you eat will help you identify what triggers the unhealthy eating habits that may have led to your weight gain. Boredom, loneliness, anger,

  52. Keep track of your goals by using a weight loss chart, a food journal, New Trends or an exercise chart. Keeping a journal is the best way to track the foods you eat,


GRAND Marshall For Pennzoil 400 Announced! LV Raider A.J. Cole

 Sunday’s Pennzoil 400 Presented by Jiffy Lube will kick off in style as Las Vegas Raiders’ two-time All-Pro punter A.J. Cole has been named...